* Enterprises and businesses belonging to real and legal persons; To keep their books, to prepare balance sheets, profit and loss statements and declarations and other documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the relevant legislation, and to do similar works.
** To establish and develop accounting systems, to regulate business, accounting, finance, financial legislation and their applications or to provide consultancy on these issues.
*** Conducting examinations, analyzes, audits on the basis of documents, giving written opinions on matters related to financial statements and declarations, arranging reports and the like, performing arbitration, expertise and similar works.
**** Through our sworn financial advisor, lawyer, accounting computer programs, system analysts and other expert staff who are among the solution partners of our consultancy; We create solutions for your company by establishing a system for cost accounting of companies, financial analysis, financial analysis, valuation reports, budget planning, tax planning, employee payroll, R&D applications, tax incentives.